Spiritual response therapy researches past life energies,
subconscious blocks, and negative soul programming. From that research, Higher Self can
access the Akashic Records and clear any discordant energies or programs from the soul
record, past present or future.
Spiritual Response Therapy allows you to use your muscle responses to bypass
your mind and negative programming to connect with your inner guidance. A pendulum is used
as movement amplifier and pointer as you communicate with your Higher Self using a special
set of charts.
You can replace old programs with a positive energy for inner peace. The
result of this work has assisted thousands of people to live clearer, more joyful lives. |
The Freedom Path (book)
Your Mind Net
To Clear Your Soul Records
price: $15.95 160
Large paperback, 8 1\4" X 10 3\4"
Basic instructions on pendulum dowsing of subconcious mind and past lives with how
to research and clear blocking memories and release earthbound souls. Case studies, work
outline and 4 charts.
Teaches you how to:
Understand your three minds
Research the subconscious
Pendulum dowse for answers
Clear traumatic memories
Release blocking energies
Change past life records
Contact your High Self for guidance
Assist earthbound souls
Help clear blocks for friends
Soul Re-Creation (book)
Develop Your Cosmic Potential
price: $15.95 240
Large paperback, 8 1\4" X 10 3\4"
Advanced teachings of Spiritual Response research and clearing methods for past
lives, subconscious memory, and soul programs. Instruction on pendulum dowsing; with
illustrations, cases and 24 advanced charts. (Also available in Spanish as Re-Nacer del
Teaches you how to:
Undersigned your full potential
Research past, present and
future lives
Work with your High Self spirit
Clear blocks to health, wealth
and joy
Release earth bound souls
Recognize soul mates and
twin flames
Interpret your dreams
Live with constant spiritual help
Know the hierarchy of
Light Realms
Research and clear blocks
for friends
Bless yourself and all other begins