detzler.jpg (6768 bytes) Robert E. Detzler
   A successful international counselor, teacher, author, and minister, Robert helps people clear their lives and learn to apply SRT for gaining greater health prosperity, and happiness.  His SRT clearing work has helped thousands in the U.S. and abroad through private sessions and long distance therapy.  For nine years he has been teaching others this marvelous method of energy healing, creating a network of people helping to heal our planet and bless all beings.  Please contact Victor Daniel for further information on Robert E. Detzler, his Books and his Counseling.

SRT Testimonial
   "What a wonderful, powerful experience [it has been] learning and practicing his methods. . . My home and family are now pleasant to be around.  My husband, who does not approve, has been profoundly changed . . . I feel like I've been released from prison.  The world id no longer a frightening or lonely place."
    - D.B. of New Jersey

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Victor Daniel   Forest Hills, NY 11375  
Voice: (718) 699-5725   Fax: (718) 699-2580

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