Personal Astrology Charts

Natal Numerology Report
Your Life Path, Soul Urge,

Karmic Debts & Lessons

   A superior report - 9 to 17 pages, using your current name as well as the name on your birth certificate.  Numerology has been used for centuries to explore untapped potential, abilities to explain to diverse and contradictory forces at work in your life. 
   Developed by master numerologist Mathew Goodwin, the report includes such aspects as Life Path - the opportunities through which success in one's career and personal life are to be found; Soul Urge - the inner motivations and desires, what you really want from life; Karmic Debts - areas of difficulty because of the misuse of certain energies in past life and how to make inprovememnts; Karmic Lessons - weaknesses in this life because of lack of experience with certain energies in previous lives and how to overcome these shortcomings.  Also: Intensity Points, Maturity Number, Life Path Period, and much more.
Natal Numerology
Report..........AST19 - $24.95
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