One on One Consultations
by Board Certified N.C.G.R. Level 4
Astrological Counselor
Astrologer - Victor Daniel $100.00 per hour (2 hour minimum) includes interpretations of the natal chart (a reading of the birth chart for 1 hour) and interpretations/predictions for the next three years discussing career, love, home, money, relationships, family and sex.
Email or Contact Mind, Body & Soul for further information
on how to set up an appointment.
Compatibility Astrology Charts
Analyses The Relationships of Two People
Two separate compatibility reports:
- Romantic Compatibility Chart gives two separate charts and how they relate to each other.
- Astrolabe Romantic Composite Chart combines both your charts to create a separate chart of your romantic relationship.
These charts can help you answer all your questions about relationships: Would Johnny be a good mate? Would Robert make a good business partner? Why can't I get along with my boss? Why are Mar and I such good friends? Astrological factors cannot be denied when it comes to the success or failure of any kind of relationship. These in-depth reports are clearly written and very accurate. You'll be astounded to see how effectively the reports describe the aspects of the relationship and its potentials. It also provides you with insights on how to handle problem areas.
Each report runs from 7 to 15 pages. We need exact birth information from both people.
Romantic Compatibility Chart..........AST5 - $24.99
To make a payment call 718 938 1203 or
mail a check to MindBodySoul Media Inc -
138-07 82nd Drive Briarwood, NY 11435 or
email accounting@mindbodysoulmedia.com
and request an astrologer call you back
at a convenient time.
After you
make payment above email accounting@mindbodysoulmedia.com
your birth data
(name, time, date and place of birth)
and the others (name, time, date and
place of birth) and you will be emailed
25 page astrological compatibility chart
interpretation within 24 hours.
Natal Astrology Chart
Your Birth Chart Reveals Your "True Self"
This incredible astrological birth chart is very comprehensive and includes interpretations of factors such as fire/earth/air/water emphasis and house placement, plus other factors giving a broader overview of the chart rather than just a "cookbook analysis." An astrology chart like this can help you fully understand who you are and why you act and feel the way you do. It will point out what motivates and restricts you. It can also indicate directions that might greatly increase your potential for success and happiness. When you see that the chart has accurately revealed your basic character and personality, it will help you to accept who you are, while showing you what you need to do to become more. Reports average approximately 25 pages. Includes Horoscope Wheel.
Your Individual
Astrology Chart..........AST1- $24.99
To make a payment call 718 938 1203 or
mail a check to MindBodySoul Media Inc -
138-07 82nd Drive Briarwood, NY 11435 or
email accounting@mindbodysoulmedia.com
and request an astrologer call you back
at a convenient time.
After you make payment above email accounting@mindbodysoulmedia.com
your birth data
(time, date and place of birth) and you
will be emailed 25 page personalized
astrological chart interpretation within
24 hours.
Child's Astrology Chart
A Child's Natal Chart That Focuses On Issues Parents Are Concerned About
An incredibly valuable report that is divided into easy-to-understand chapters:
- General description of the child: essential nature and personality. Physical body and childhood.
- Maternal figure: emotions, feelings, capacity to love and share.
- Paternal figure: authority, power, capacity to assume responsibilities and to defend one's self in life.
- Mentality: intelligence, studies, and capacity for communications.
- Destiny: vocation, profession, probability of success, and social recognition.
- General health factors.
- Generational influence: ideas and feelings common to your child's age group.