A simple over the phone personal training consultation will enable one to independently initiate a physical training program. I will answer any and all questions in regards to personal training, dieting and nutrition.
Call 718-938 1203 to speak with Mind, Body & Soul.
Victor Daniel, Personal Trainer,
American Council on Exercise - $150.00 per hour.
One on One consultations that creates a blue print for your physical well-being. Read and follow through the steps below to be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
Step One: Please fill out and submit this questionnaire.
Step Two: Schedule a two-hour consultation and fitness evaluation. The fitness evaluation includes:
Your physical measurements from head to toe.
Your body fat percentage.
Your heart rate.
A goals and expectations analysis.
A physical training schedule.
A physical health evaluation.
A one-year progression of your measurements.
A cardiovascular training schedule.
A personalized dieting
Step Three: Based on your questionnaire and evaluation, we customize a program to meet you individual needs and preferences.
This is a 2-hour consultation that empowers and enables one to independently initiate a physical training program...$300.00